I thought since i hadn't blogged in a while that the first one i do would be about my Grandfather who has passed to the Abha Kingdom.
About two months ago, my dear grandfather passed away in his home town of Sari, Iran. He was hit by a car while walking down a main road. No one in the family knew what had happened, as we all live in Australia (he went back home to sell his property), my mum became worried when we hadn't heard anything from him for a while, but all her calls to family members and friends proved fruitless as no one had any idea where he was. we found out one month later that he had been hit by a car, went into coma and because no one had raised any alarm bells querying his wear abouts, they took his ID and claimed he was Muslim and was going to bury him as such. The only reason we found out was because a friend of my uncles who is Muslim started asking around, and eventually found out that there was an unknown old man in the morgue. and when he investigated further he found it was him.
It came as a big shock to us as he was a man of great strength, health and full of life. He would always tell us, his grandchildren, some advise on life, that in everything we do it should be directed to the Cause of God, he was a great source of strength for the whole family. He was such a beautiful man, so loving, gentle and kind and I hope that I may follow his example.
" ... life in this fast-fading world is as fleeting and inconstant as the morning wind, and this being so, how fortunate are the great who leave a good name behind them, and the memory of a lifetime spent in the pathway of the good pleasure of God"...