Monday, October 09, 2006


Have you ever been stuck on a deserted (or almost deserted) freeway or a motor way at night all by yourself???? that's exactly what happened to me, i was driving back from uni at around 8.30 with my sister, just cruising along, happy to be going home after a long day, singing along to the music pretending we too had decent voices, minding our own business, trying to stay under a suitable illegal speed limit...
Natalie turned to me and said "how beautiful is the night sky with all those stars" and i thought to myself how nice would it be to drive with your headlights off, (if it was safe enough to of course) like driving in the sky..... and then it happened, the music stopped playing, great now we have no music to sing along to, i look at my dashboard and the lights are out, i look up and my headlights look really dim, so i turn them off and turn them back on thinking i must have accidentally somehow turned them off. THEY WON"T TURN ON, and i was freaking out, i see a section of the freeway where they have those blue phones and i try to suddenly reduce me speed but i miss the safe area, but luckily I'm off the road, only just. and then my lights go out completely. i try to reverse so I'm not so close to the road, but my car wont move. and I'm so freaking out..... there's bairly anyone on the road, which is good and bad, (good cause hopefully there isn't any psycho's on the road, but bad cause its so dark without the cars headlights.)so anyways luckily the car has road side assistance
but i didn't know the number
so first i call my husband to let him know that I'm going to be late and I'm stuck in the middle of no where cause the car ran out of battery.. and then i call my dad to find out the number' once Ive got i then remember hang on where only a few meters from the blue phone box and that hooks up straight to NRMA-
so i get out of the car and tell nat to stay there, shes like yeah sure, loving the fact that its so dark and everything - meanwhile I'm freaking out, cause Ive heard one to many stories.. so i walk to the phone box and talk to the lady from NRMA and she informs me that since I'm a women all by myself i would be a priority one, and that the next available person will come out to me. so I'm thinking GREAT it will be 0.30 minutes at the max. so i call my husband and my parents to let them know by now its like 8.45 and they are like OK were coming, so my house to the uni is a 1 hour drive up the freeway so they wouldn't get here before NRMA well that's at least what I'm thinking. but anyways they want to come,
then Natalie turns to me, seeing that I'm so freaked out and says hey wouldnt it be so cool if like someone jumps onto the front windscreen of the car, i just look at her and think she's completely lost it.
so half an hour passes, and still no NRMA at around 9.30 NRMA rocks up, and i think to myself, that;s a priority one, i would hate to think what it would be if i wasn't a woman all by myself.
but I'm happy to the guy yay i love nrma,
he'll fix the problem and we will be back on the road. just then my husband and dad arrive on the scene, now I'm loving the dark and the stars, finally i begin to relax.
but its so not over. apparently the oil from the power steering was leaking onto the alternator and so it couldn't do its thing. so we had to wait for some other guy to bring an alternator so the car would be drivable.
so my dad tells us to go home in his car, and he will wait with my car until its fixed and then drive it home for us.
so we finally set off, again singing along to the music, getting home a little later than we thought, 10.30 to be exact...... but now i can laugh about being stuck on a freeway
NRMA is fantastic apart from their time frames-


chndrh said...

great!! mechanics are awesome!

in perth i had an RAC (perth equivalent of NRMA) guy fix my mums car - broken muffler, the whole thing was dragging on the ground!!!! - with a can of COKE!

nats said...

what a funny night hahahahaha LOVED IT!!! lets do it again :P